Saturday 22 June 2013

June 19th Calarasi ferry to Ciorcarla

June 19th Stage 59  Calarasi ferry to Ciorcarla 103 kms

Only 133 kms to Constanta and the thought was at the back of my mind as we took the ferry across the Danube that perhaps I could do that distance today. However, I knew that the final 30 or so kms would be the most difficult so I wasn’t counting on it.  I was, nonetheless, spurred on. Off the ferry onto a short, narrow stretch of Romanian territory that is sandwiched between the floodplain of the river on my left and a rusty old barbed wire fence separating me from the unprepossessing apartment blocks in Bulgarian Silistra on my right.  But I was soon out into the countryside proper along a road which was really quite hilly and very beautiful. I took advantage of the extensive views from the top of each rise to take my last look at the Danube which, after the Dervent monastery, would curve away in a northerly direction not to be seen again unless one went to the delta which, in our case, was becoming less likely. I felt a little sad though to be leaving it after so many
thousands (literally) of kilometers but the riding was uplifting with a welcome variety of open plain, thick woodland, dusty villages and enormous vineyards. I joined a young couple both of whom, although still only in their mid twenties would very soon become fully fledged judges but I think they were a little embarrassed
that I was riding much faster than they were and conversation was difficult, in any case, on the hills.  The curious renovated (reconstituted?)  Tropaeum Traiani monument at Adamclisi delayed us for a while but the
curator there was not quite so effusive as Mr Sapca had been at Sucidava and we were left to simply gaze in amazement at the huge tower which is clearly being turned into a major national Romanian site – not that there was anyone but ourselves on this beautiful, hot, summer’s afternoon. I was still going very strongly after 100 kms but by the old railway crossing at Ciorcarla and after a couple of near misses with fast moving trucks we stopped for the night, excited by only a the few kilometers left tomorrow to reach the finishing post.

103 kms  637 kms from Severin; 4702 from Galway

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